Monday, May 12, 2014

A New Kind of Adventure!

Welcome to Karin's Learning Garden!

I'll begin by telling you a little about myself and introducing you to this new adventure on which we are embarking together.

My name is Karin. I am a teacher in a small town in Northern California. Currently I teach homeschool, so I work exclusively with third, fourth and fifth grades, but I am always trying to find what I like to call, my dream job. Though I'm still not really sure what that means... It could even be where I am. We'll just have to see. When I'm not working with one or more of my wonderfully creative, clever critters... students, I am either playing fetch or going on walkies with my two four-legged children, Miss Daisy Belle Buchanan (Yes. It is absolutely a nod to The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan is my favorite love-hate character) or Sir Newton (Nope, no awesome literary connection, I didn't get to name this guy. He came with the name Newton, I added the Sir. It just sounds more important. Though, most of the time I just call him Newt.) You could also find me attempting any number of Pinterest found projects, or working on my newest passion, gardening and beautifying my nearly-an-acre back yard. (It's a big task, but I'm taking it on project by project until it's just the way it looks in my head.)

I look forward to sharing my story with you...